Friday, January 21, 2011

The Ever So Hip Hip Implant

Total hip implants have made their way into mainstream media of late. Such attention has been raised because one company that focuses on hip replacement solutions, Depuy, is facing the grim reality that 12.5% of its hip implants (ASR XL or ASR Hip Resurfacing Systems) has failed according to an August 2010 study.  The  news for DePuy's parent company, Johnson & Johnson, seems to get worse when one considers the staggering number of U.S. citizens (100,000) that received the implant between 2005 and 2010.   Johnson & Johnson has set the stage for a massive voluntary recall of the two implant systems in which they will pick up the costs for monitoring, clinical visits, revision operations, and follow up.

With hip replacement surgeries having been around since 1960, advancements in surgical techniques and equipment have improved the outcomes for most patients to its highest levels.  Currently 193,000 hip replacements occur every year in the United States, making it one of the more common orthopedic procedures.  

Having said this, I'd like to take a step back from the main stream media's focus in this issue, and discuss the anatomical considerations for a total hip replacement, what indications are considered,  and how an implant works.


The  hip is a ball and socket joint which is made up respectfully of the head of the femur bone (femoral head) and the acetabulum, a bony concave surface that dives into the pelvis.  With these two boney structures so closely related, resistance to movement can occur in the form of friction if they were to become in direct contact (see Problem Hip.)  To decrease this, the synovial membrane lubricates the space between these structures to help promote free movement while articular cartilage assists in cushioning the joint.

As the hip joint serves as one of the heaviest weight bearing joints in the body, its structural integrity is of infinite importance in day-to-day movements.  A few associated structures that help ensure this include:
  • Capsule: located and attached just outside the acetabular rim is a fibrous lip that surrounds the neck of the femur.  Its function is to help promote a wide range of motion while assisting in weight bearing activities.
  • Ligaments are a fibrous dense tissue that form a connection between bones and play a major role in helping solidify the integrity of a joint.  In our case of the hip, we have two main ligament groups that help reinforce:
    1. Extracapsular: includes three ligaments that strengthen the capsule and prevent excessive range of motion in the joint.
    2. Intracapsular: think inside the capsule. The main function here is to prevent further displacement of the femoral head in the event of a hip dislocation.
With an intact hip, the lower limbs are permitted to do four main movements:

Hip Abduction
          Hip Extension

With this proper functioning system in mind, a lot of things can go wrong that would lead a patient to need hip implant surgery.  Research has shown that 85% of patients with total hip replacement have a diagnosis of osteoarthritis (the most common joint abnormality) or a form of inflammatory arthritis (mainly rheumatoid arthritis.)  Let's examine these two factors in our investigation of the Total Hip Replacement.

In this disease, the joint becomes compromised by years of “wear and tear.”  Think of the joint as becoming worn down and losing it's mechanical efficiencies with degradation in cartilage, bone and a build up of fibrous tissue. This increase in mechanical stress will come at a cost with increased friction and resistance to movement. Major causes of OA include a family history of osteoarthritis, being overweight, trauma to the joint itself, and long term over use.  

Symptoms of OA include deep aching joint pain that gets worse after activity and relieved with initiating rest.  As the condition progresses, pain becomes more prevalent during rest and eventually does not subside.  Additionally, patients may suffer from limited movement, grating (cracking) of joint on movement, muscle weakness around the joint, and joint swelling.  

A physical exam can demonstrate grating, joint swelling, limited range of motion, tenderness when pressed and pain with normal movement. 

RA is considered of autoimmune origin.  Normally the immune system recognizes foreign or impaired self cells and attacks them to prevent their harmful effects.  In RA, the immune system recognizes normal cells as being foreign invaders and attacks and attempts to eliminate them.  RA can affect other joints and organs and generally does so bilaterally unlike osteoarthritis.   

Symptoms of RA include:
  • Fatigue loss of appetite
  • Morning stiffness
  • Generalized muscle aches and weakness
  • Unlike OA, as the joint becomes more used and “warmed up” the pain subsides.  

Knowing these two main causes of degeneration of this joint, we can begin to understand the clinical picture presented to the orthopedic surgeon and how the recommendation is made for total hip replacement.  

Generally speaking, the severity of symptoms and degree of disability will dictate the indication.  Pain that has advanced into previous times where it was non-existent (during rest in OA; during activity in RA) plays an important factor.  

Functional limitations are also a key component to the surgical indication formula, but alone are not an indication for surgery.  With OA, walking and stair climbing become increasingly difficult with increased pain and decreased range of motion. Simple daily routines such as putting on one's shoes become massive hurdles in the course of the day.  In RA, these functional limitations are even more exaggerated and occur bilaterally more often than OA, which is more a unilateral clinical picture.  

Both these symptoms of pain and functional limitations are improved with surgery and the patient can often see a return to previous 'normal' levels in as little as three months post operatively.  With this understanding of the environment and indications for surgery, tomorrow we will discuss how a total hip replacement works.  

Monday, January 17, 2011

Medical Translators: Google Wants Your Job

Author: Mehdi Rais, M.D.

Last week, Google announced an updated version of Android Translate. In the previous rendition of this app, Android Translate allowed users to speak words and phrases and translated them to text, allowing the user to SMS these messages and translate messages from foreign messages. In its updated form, this app has introduced a game-changing translation tool, coined Conversation Mode, that will bridge the communication gap between clinicians and patients allowing for real time conversational translation.  

Google previously highlighted this mode in an alpha preview at the IFA Conference back in September of 2010.  Fast forward to 26:24 to get a glimpse of its power in a conversation between German and English speakers, and you'll begin to see why I'm so excited.

At its core, this new functionality within Android Translate allows real time translation between English and Spanish during conversation.  The function is uber simple: press the microphone button for your language and start speaking; Android Translate will translate the speech to text and dictate it out loud such that the other participant in the conversation can hear the translated version and see the translated text.

The clinical application of this is enormous with on-the-fly translation with patients and family members. In a rural setting, hospitals and clinics often struggle to find translation services in this urgent setting, costing clinicians valuable time to initiate treatments.

Currently Android Translate only supports this conversation mode between English and Spanish, and is only available in the Android Market. Many forecast it will become available soon to iPhone users.  

With Google's growing dominance in the mobile computing market, I believe very soon this application will become the new standard for translation services in the clinical setting for most languages.  It is only a matter of time for Google to acquire the enormous data set it needs to identify and break down the many different dialects that exist for each and every language and add this data to the computing cloud for Android's Translation.

The app is available for free in the Android Market by searching for "Google Translate." Else, you can use the QR code below.

iPhone ECG Coming to Android

Author: Mehdi Rais, M.D.

Alivecor announced an Android version of their ECG product will be made available soon. You may recall our previous articles here and here that highlighted the wonders of this ECG system: a two electrode lead iPhone case in coordination with its phone app.

In a recent interview, Dr. David Albert, the device's inventor and a cardiologist by trade, went to great lengths to say what the device isn't,"...this is not a device for diagnosing acute MI (myocardial infarction).  It is not a device for detecting long QT. Both of those require a 12 lead electrocardiogram. This is a single lead rhythm script device. It is clinical quality — ours is not a sub-quality, sub-standard ECG — it’s just a single lead."

Despite these limitations, the device does serve a distinct purpose for different groups.  In reference to his research with emergency respondants, Dr. Albert stated,“[EMTs] told me that this is a tool that not only let’s them know the patient’s rhythm status, but it also gives them the ability to transmit that information back to the physician in the emergency room.”

He went on to highlight that EMTs complained that devices such as the LifePak15 had no application when the patient was stuck in small spaces and other compromising positions such is in motor vehicle accidents, falls into remote isolated areas, etc. In such scenarios, Alivecor would have an advantage in providing needed data.

In regards to Big Pharma, this inexpensive device could assist in recording cardiac event data in an incredibly accessible and inexpensive fashion.  The FDA could utilize such  additional data to determine the true efficacy of a given drug.

Alivecor is working on a credit card-sized device that will work with any tablet, smart phone, or laptop. A launch date of the device to the general public was not available at the time of publishing.

2010 Medical Weblog Awards

Author: Mehdi Rais, M.D.

The 2010 Medgadget Medical Weblog Awards (sponsored by Epocrates and Lenovo) are fastly approaching.  I'm not going to tell you which web site has had one of the fasting growing medical communities on the web, nor which blog keeps you up-to-date with the latest and greatest emerging trends in Medicine, Technology, and all things in between. You may have some idea which web site has been a trusted resource for the writers at the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, but we at would never spell it out for you.

Enough brown nosing (for now.) Nominations are being accepted this week for the 2010 Medgadget Medical Weblog Awards.  The categories for the 2010 awards are:

  • Best Medical Weblog
  • Best New Medical Weblog (established in 2010)
  • Best Literary Medical Weblog
  • Best Clinical Sciences Weblog
  • Best Health Policies/Ethics Weblog
  • Best Medical Technologies/Informatics Weblog
  • Best Patient's Blog

If you feel compelled to nominate a certain site (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) for the category of Best Medical Technologies/Informatics weblog, I won't stop you.  I swear.

Simply drop a line to the good people at Medgadget here. Please indicate the blog's name and URL, nominating category, as well as your thoughts why this particular blog deserves recognition.  Dead line is this  Sunday, January 23rd at 23:59:59.