Monday, January 17, 2011

iPhone ECG Coming to Android

Author: Mehdi Rais, M.D.

Alivecor announced an Android version of their ECG product will be made available soon. You may recall our previous articles here and here that highlighted the wonders of this ECG system: a two electrode lead iPhone case in coordination with its phone app.

In a recent interview, Dr. David Albert, the device's inventor and a cardiologist by trade, went to great lengths to say what the device isn't,"...this is not a device for diagnosing acute MI (myocardial infarction).  It is not a device for detecting long QT. Both of those require a 12 lead electrocardiogram. This is a single lead rhythm script device. It is clinical quality — ours is not a sub-quality, sub-standard ECG — it’s just a single lead."

Despite these limitations, the device does serve a distinct purpose for different groups.  In reference to his research with emergency respondants, Dr. Albert stated,“[EMTs] told me that this is a tool that not only let’s them know the patient’s rhythm status, but it also gives them the ability to transmit that information back to the physician in the emergency room.”

He went on to highlight that EMTs complained that devices such as the LifePak15 had no application when the patient was stuck in small spaces and other compromising positions such is in motor vehicle accidents, falls into remote isolated areas, etc. In such scenarios, Alivecor would have an advantage in providing needed data.

In regards to Big Pharma, this inexpensive device could assist in recording cardiac event data in an incredibly accessible and inexpensive fashion.  The FDA could utilize such  additional data to determine the true efficacy of a given drug.

Alivecor is working on a credit card-sized device that will work with any tablet, smart phone, or laptop. A launch date of the device to the general public was not available at the time of publishing.

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